Have you ever felt down, less than fantastic, small in size, inadequate? “Abbreviated” is how I call it. It happens to the strongest, the greatest, the biggest and to me. Not lately however. Not since I developed my technique to defeat abbreviation and I am going to share it with you.
When you are feeling “abbreviated” your first instinct may be to sit down, dwell on how bad you feel and on your miserable circumstances. A loved one may tell you to write down a list of all the things you should be grateful for. You do it and then you don’t feel better. If anything you feel worse because you now have the feeling of guilt for being ungrateful. You can’t help but focus on those circumstances that are abbreviating you. You believe that the only way to regain your happiness is that those circumstances changed.
Examples of Abbreviation

NEWS FLASH! Those circumstances may never change. You need to change your attitude towards them and that’s how you turn things around.
I started developing my technique after I lost my paw. During the first few weeks as a tripawd I felt quite abbreviated. One day at lunchtime, my lady and my mate were having a roast chicken with potatoes. Boboni and I usually sit near them at lunch time and we always get a treat or two. This one day I was too abbreviated to move so I stayed on my bed and didn’t come to their calls or to the smell of the delicious chicken. They finished eating and they cleaned up. It hit me. The chicken was gone and so was my opportunity to eat a piece of it. Gone! Just like my fourth paw! My fourth paw wasn’t coming back, and neither was the chicken!
Wait a minute!!!! (Here is where my technique was conceived). That particular chicken wasn’t coming back but there would be other chickens, and sausages, and ham, and cheese!!! And if I stayed forever on my bed thinking of how abbreviated I felt I would miss the lot.
I decided that I wasn’t going to let life and all its chickens pass me by. Paw or no paw, I wanted chickens and sausages and walks in the park and lizard hunting with my brother Boboni. I stood up on my three paws and I stretched. As I felt my spine elongate and my neck lengthening, bringing my head up, I said to myself: “Quit abbreviating and AMPLIFY yourself instead!

The result was a better, bigger, shinier, smarter version of me. Now I know that no matter what, I can control my disposition towards things and that’s an instant step forward, which helps you take the next step, and the following one, and the one after than, and so on and so forth. Soon you find yourself walking tall, smiling and the world smiles back at you.
I’ll post a guide to my amplification technique for you. In the meantime remember:
Don’t abbreviate yourself! Amplify yourself instead!

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