Treat your old pal Fear to a Halloween feast
Boboni and I don’t really care for Halloween, as a matter of fact we dislike it quite a bit. Kids don’t stop knocking on our door for treats and [...]
Boboni and I don’t really care for Halloween, as a matter of fact we dislike it quite a bit. Kids don’t stop knocking on our door for treats and [...]
I’m a practical dude. I don’t waste my time on things that don’t help me get what I want. Since I started my blog I’ve actually developed quite a talent for coming up with techniques [...]
As promised, here are the steps to take when you are feeling abbreviated: Stand up. Stretch so you become bigger and taller. Arms up, tip of your fingers reaching for the sky. Amplify your mouth [...]
Have you ever felt down, less than fantastic, small in size, inadequate? “Abbreviated” is how I call it. It happens to the strongest, the greatest, the biggest and to me. Not lately however. Not since [...]
Being a dog rocks but we are dogs everyday of our lives, 24/7!!! So sometimes we play make-believe. Today we are Peter O'Toole, but you can also call us Lawrence. We'll charm you just the [...]
I usually don’t stress out much. My main concerns are my food, my daily walks and plays. When it’s time for my walk and my owner does not show up ready, leash in hand, then [...]
Boboni and I are twins. We’ve been together since we were born. Well, we were separated for a couple of months when they cut off my arm, because of the recovery and stuff, but we [...]
Hay veces que te sientes ¡PLOF! Es como que no te quieres levantar y no quieres que haya razones para levantarse. Los días de lluvia no ayudan. Pues he decidido que uno no puede aplofarse [...]
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