Why did I get two terrier-dachshund puppies (3 weeks old) when I was enjoying my free lifestyle, living on my own in a foreign country (US) and knowing the benefits of being just me?
What was I thinking? (If there was any thinking at all)
Where did I think I would leave them when I flew to Spain to visit my family? Who did I think would walk them if I ever decided not to come home from work to join some spontaneous evening plan?
I admit it. Not a practical move.

Oh! But we’ve had so much fun together… like:
Bumpy career change. (Mine)
New start in a handsome one bedroom apartment by the sea. (Ours)
Toad poisoning. (Them. Twice)
A hurricane. (Katrina)
More hurricanes. (Lost track of their names)
Dog bite. (Boboni got bitten)
Dog bite. (Another dog got bitten)
Dog bite. (A different dog got bitten)
Dog training. (They got trained)
International move. (To Spain)
Car accident. (Boboni got run over. He lost one tooth)
Come to terms with the fact that Spain’s good wine, fabulous weather and passionate, welcoming people are romantic only in movies. In real life the general vibe of the land comes off as stale and narrow minded. (Except the wine. Fortunately, we can always rely on the wine.)
Accepting a new member in our team and becoming a team of four. (Our mate Ignacio)
A suspicious lump on Felipe’s front paw. (A tumour)
Cutting off the paw.
Limping, staggering, slipping and falling.
Having to pee like a bitch. (Felipe’s words, not mine)
Quit chasing cats.
Quit hunting lizards.
Attitude regroup.
Peeing on two legs.
Trotting, trotting and trotting.
Gliding on wood floors with astonishing virtuosity.
Paw power.
Living with Felipe. (Dog training thrown down the toilet).
Living with Felipe. (A patience tester).
Living with Felipe. (And with Boboni).
Living with Felipe. (An inspiration).
Living with Felipe. (The blog).
Living with Felipe. (Couldn’t have it any other way).

What if I could stand by my priorities and my likes at all times? (And I mean, at ALL times). Shamelessly disobey to get my way. Speak my mind regardless of the situation and recklessly changing it whenever I find it convenient?
Let’s not forget, the ability to manipulate those around me, without remorse or compassion. Getting them to love me despite my behavior. Actually, the more unruly, the more loved I’d be. By all.
I KNOW! It all sounds irresistible, RIGHT?
But let me tell you. If you’re human, there’s only so much you can get away with. So I’ ve had to modify Felipe’s practicality to fit my own human condition. Often I ask myself, what would Felipe do in this situation? The answer usually helps. There are times when the answer is too bold and I can’t bring myself to put it into practice. But really, what would happen if…
There’s still so much I want to try out and get better at. The attitude, the determination, the practicality, and above all: Felipe’s greatest system for turning a minus one into a plus one.