(Read this story in Español)
I’ve been looking for you through the lights in the living room, where you used to go, but you’re not there. Through the mirror, where we both were, but you’re not there either.
Where are you Boboni?
You gotta be somewhere and I gotta find you.

I miss you Boboni.

Boboni, te echo de menos
Te he buscado a través de las luces del salón, por donde te solías meter, pero no estás ahí. En el espejo, donde estábamos los dos, pero ahora estoy yo solo.
¿Dónde estás Boboni?
Tienes que estar en algún sitio y te tengo que encontrar.
Te echo de menos, Boboni.

Where is he? I’m afraid to ask…please tell me he isn’t ok
Hello! He’s not with us anymore 🙁 He had been dealing with kidney failure and this summer he didn’t do too good. But we all stayed with him until the very end and made sure he felt loved and as comfortable as possible. Thank you for asking. 🙂
Que tierno y cuánto amor!!
Hola Mar!! ❤️❤️