It has been a bizarre week with everything that is going on in the world. I sense that things are still kind of tricky so: what better time to check on you and see how you are doing with your Down-Tempo Beat living?!
I’ve thought up some situations in which a Down-Tempo Beat is critical.
- You are driving.
- You are eating.
- You are drinking.
- You are kissing.
- You are walking your dog.
- You are petting your dog.
- You are going up and down the stairs.
- You are spending time with your dog.
- You are listening to someone, including your dog.
- You are romancing a lady, (particularly lady dogs, if you rush them, they stubbornly sit and there is no way to smell anything).
- You are trying to organize stuff.
- You are preparing a meal.
No matter how impatiently someone may be waiting for you, you should always do the things above in Down-Tempo Beat mode.
Got any other ideas? I’d love to hear!

When you drink your morning coffee… Down tempo beat!
When you hug your dear one… Down tempo beat!
And when something worries you… take some down-tempo beat time too! Life is smart…
Yes! I am starting to think that you can use DTB for almost anything. Nothing can go wrong if you take some DTB time! 🙂