My lady, Boboni and I sat together to write this post. We had some disagreements at first.
She says that you can manage to do a lot of things everyday but still not be effective. In order to be effective, she says, you must be smart at prioritizing. Spend your time on the things that get you somewhere and get rid of time wasters.
For her a daily to-do list should only include job tasks and chores. Boboni and I completely disagreed with her on this.
After a brief discussion, we all reached an agreement on the key points that an effective person should consider:
- Being effective means being able to include a happy-task on your daily priority list. We’ll call it our daily amplifying-task, which could be spending quality time with your dogs.
- If you don’t have a dog (she specifies) you should include any other activity that inspires you.
- Whatever it is your amplifying -task, it’s a non-negotiable item on your daily list.
- You’ll have to prioritize really well the rest of the stuff. Be realistic with the time you have, don’t digress and focus on getting your important things done.
And this is what we consider being effective!

Being in good spirits is key for a good performance. Don’t underestimate the power of happiness and much less the power of despair.
Let’s all be effective, boys and girls!
Dear Felipe and Bomboni, what do you do when your amplifying list exhausts you? Is there and liquid, powder or herb, natural or unnatural that you can recommend? I am here in Miami visiting friends and family, but am exhausted by 3pm. Please advise!!!
Mmmh…. Maybe you should go over your Ampliflying list and rethink each item. Make sure you enjoy all of them and consider distributing them in 2 or 3 days if there are too many. If there is something that you don’t enjoy anymore, eliminate it!
As far as dealing with exhaustion, we recommend sleeping! Power naps of no more than 25 minutes do wonders to your brain and body.
Enjoy the Sunshine State pal! 🙂