I can’t say that I care about new year’s resolutions. To me a new year is as good and new as a new day.

You don’t need a new year to start over, to make a noteworthy decision or take a significant step. You only need a new day and they come more often than new years.

As far as resolutions go, I’m all about resolutions! They encourage and motivate me. New horizons, new attempts, new achievements… I don’t understand failing because I know I’ll go at it again until I get what I want; whether this be catching a lizard, a cat or chasing a dude on a skateboard on my own three legs!!

A note about attempts and failings: What’s the deal with you humans with “not-getting-it-the-first-time”? Why do people get so worked up about it? Experience tells me that tomorrow you can try again and again the next day, until you accomplish what you want.

They key about resolutions is to accurately define what you want. Picture it clear in your head and you’ll  be able to find the path to success.

Good luck with your lifelong resolutions and never be significantly discouraged (a small amount of discouragement is normal). Your life is not a race but a journey with winding roads, unexpected twists and turns and many accomplishments along the way.

As for me, I am planning to smoothly roll into the new year, with my brother, my Lady and my Mate, charged with energy and motivation to put all of our plans into forward motion.

And there’s no better way to roll than on a skateboard!!! 😉

Happy New Year to you all!!


Living with Felipe