I’m a practical dude. I don’t waste my time on things that don’t help me get what I want. Since I started my blog I’ve actually developed quite a talent for coming up with techniques that help me live a better life. My Lady and my Mate believe in my methods and they try to apply it to their own lives. I’ve even heard them say on several occasions that I am an example to follow. But giving others advice is sometimes easier than to adhering to it yourself.
What happens when you can’t follow your well-crafted theories about living a better life? Does that mean that you are a fake? Where do you turn for guidance?

You turn to your support system and you don’t leave it to yourself to feel better. I had surgery a few days ago because I had some fatty bumps that needed to be removed. Now my body is stitched in 3 different places and I feel like an old ragdoll. I’m having difficulties walking because one of the bumps was on my groin. My Lady says that I’ll be back to normal in less than a week, but this brings back too many memories of when I lost my paw. I am scared and nervous.
I’ve come to the conclusion that I can’t do it alone and I’m not even going to try. Sometimes feeling good takes time. In the meantime I have my brother Boboni, who doesn’t leave my side, and in a few days when I start feeling like myself again (like my Lady says I will) we’ll both go cat hunting at the park.

So there are times when you feel too abbreviated to amplify yourself on your own. Take it easy when that happens, be kind to yourself and lean on your support system. Getting your confidence back may take a while but it’s just a normal process. Don’t despair, because you are on your way to feeling better.

Having my brother Boboni next to me always helps me deal with down times.

By the way, if by any chance you keep a diary of your daily achievements (part of To The Next Wave technique), these are the times when it helps to go back and read them.
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