What’s the hurry with my Lady and my Mate? Always running from here to there. Everything they do is in rushing mode. Me and Boboni often wonder, can they really always be late for something or is it perhaps a competition?
The thing is that I never notice a sense of achievement, like they’ve finally crossed the finish line or something. I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s not about winning but rushing. It’s the human way of doing things, I guess.
I’ve been noticing lately that humans rush and they don’t smell healthy. Yeah! They smell like something rotten. This makes me think that the only place they are going to get to quicker is their grave. They’ll be the first ones to arrive. Maybe they want to get there early to welcome their guests.
Now seriously, I am having a conversation with my Lady and my Mate this weekend. Either they take things a little easier or I am done with this blog. And Boboni and I will take our water and food bowls and we’ll go to live in the country, on our own, with the birds, the trees and the bears.
Because nothing is as urgent as your own tranquility. If you missed the morning bus because you took your time to brush your teeth better than you usually do, to give a kiss and a hug to your loved one or to walk your dog the entire four blocks, which you know he absolutely loves, you may have just earned a few more months of life. Months in which you will have time to take many other buses, or miss them, whatever suits you best.
Adhere to the Down-Tempo Beat is my proposal for the next two weeks.

Every gesture counts. Slow down your movements, take conscious breaths regularly. And if you don’t find the time to do so, you will have to eliminate some items from your daily agenda and rearrange some things.
If after two weeks you miss the rushing mode then you can go back to it, but if on the other hand, you find that the Down-Tempo Beat is kind of groovy, then you’ve got some prioritizing to do in your daily schedule.

I’d love to hear your experiences with this. Please leave us your comments. Hopefully my Lady and my Mate will start tapping to the Down-Tempo Beat and Boboni and I won’t have to up sticks with our bowls and move to the country.

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