When you find yourself trying to control every aspect of any given situation: STOP!

Drop what you are doing and go outside (you can do this in the company of your dog, he’ll appreciate it).

Notice the enormousness of the space above you. Don’t you feel that we are very little? Or is it just me, being a Dachshund-Terrier? I don’t know. I think that if I were a Great Dane, I would feel little too.

There is so much going on around and beyond you and there are some things that you are not supposed to have control over.

Isn’t that a relief?

You can now invest your energy and attention in enjoying and becoming more aware of the now; not thinking that you are neglecting your imaginative responsibilities of running the world and arranging your future. And guess what? You future is made up of all your nows…

Cheerio Boys and girls!

Enjoy your nows in the company of your dogs and loved ones!