Felipe, she always says: “On the sofa: NO!”
Yes, and?
We are on the sofa.
But she is not here.
I think she means “no” for when she is not here too.
Yes, you may be right.
I wonder why we can’t be on the sofa.
Because we are dogs.
There are rules for dogs.
So we don’t follow them?
Sometimes we don’t.
I see.
We are not just any dogs, Boboni, and we’ve decided that at this very moment it’s ok for us to be on the sofa.
We have? You have.
Ok, I have. Sometimes you have to do it in order to lead a more comfortable life.
Jump on the sofa?
That and make decisions for yourself that others may not agree with.
A bit tricky, I think.
Not really. You just have to make sure not to step on somebody else’s territory.
That’s why we don’t jump on the sofa when she is here.
It’s her territory.
So we are just borrowing it at the moment?
It’s really comfy, Felipe.
Indeed it is, Boboni.

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