Being bored is as good as being dead. It drains your mind of all positive things. It flattens your sparkle. I can’t take it when I am bored and I can’t stand boring people and their dogs.
When my lady is busy at the computer working and I can tell our walk is coming later than sooner, I go coo-coo bananas. I bark at her for attention, incessantly. She gets upset but I keep on going. Anything to avoid the useless void of being bored.
Sometimes I wonder: what if I could go out on my own? Just me, my collar and the streets. Any time I felt boredom creeping in, I could just go out and explore the world.
You are lucky, you know? You can do anything you want. You can go anywhere you want, whenever you want to. You don’t have to wait for anybody to walk you on a leash. Although you have jobs, mortgages, credit cards… I guess you are on a leash too. 🙁
Oh well, we’ll have to think about this one. In the meantime, I can only say that there is no room in my life for boredom and I invite you to say the same.
Welcome to my Zero Tolerance for Boredom Club!

Boredom messes up your senses…
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