I think the rain may water down people’s ability to use their brain in that unique human way, which distinguishes them from the rest of the animal kingdom. It may be the organic primitive smells of the earth, heightened by the falling water that awakens their most primary instinct, stripping them of all their developed traits that make them fit to live freely in a civilized society.
Those affected by the rain in this way should be carefully observed, punished and confined to controlled environments where they cannot cause harm to their fellow developed individuals.
It’s been raining and the streets are annoyingly decorated with dog crap (sorry, my vexation does not allow me to say “poop” as my Lady would have liked). You can’t walk freely, you have to watch your paws as if you were walking on a minefield because stepping in one of those things, particularly when they are damp, is disgusting!
So yesterday morning we were walking and Boboni and my Lady stepped in one. Each of them in different craps. I guess I got lucky because having a minus-one-leg situation the numbers play in my favor. She got very upset and Boboni didn’t want to put her affected paw down. He really hates it when he steps in crap. My Lady tried to clean him up with a dog-crap bag and a tissue but when we got home he got his four paws washed with soap and water. He hates that too.
So what is it with the rain? Does it give people some kind of amnesia that makes them forget the action of picking up their dogs’ excrement? Do they expect the rain to wash away a solid matter such as crap? Even I know that’s not how the things go down with excrement. I see crap in the rain that get doughy and disgusting but never washed away.
Are they in such a hurry when it rains that they don’t have time to pick it up? But why are they in such a hurry? What if they are fearing another flood and worry that Noah’s Ark may leave with out them? Well, I have news for you people out there who leave your crap unattended: Noah would never let you enter the ark, he would make sure that you didn’t enter and that your genes didn’t reproduce into the next generation.

It’s truly worrisome to think that we inhabit the world with creatures who are granted the status of civil but are as honorable as the crap they leave behind.
Note to Noah: This crap situation is not the same in every country. We’ve never stepped in crap in the US. People are quite well-mannered there. Spain and France are the worse as far as dog crap goes. Just saying it in case space is limited in the next Ark ride!
Me encanto FELIPE! I miss your lady very very much!
Hola Amparo!
Me he reido; sonreido y hasta alguna lagrima ha asomado…leyendo el blog de Felipe. Mi amor por los animales es incondicional por lo que ya adoro a Felipe. Las historias de los valientes son las que perduran en el tiempo. Gracias por hacer de Felipe un tipo con suerte.
Hola Silvia!!
Qué bonito tu comentario. A mi se me ha escapado alguna lagrimita con tus palabras 🙂 Felipe te manda un lametón (le encanta que le llamen valiente), y dice que a ver si te conoce en el 2018!