Start here2021-07-11T10:41:02+00:00

(for anyone who suspects that their dog knows better)


When you live with a tripawd dog who’s got too many opinions on your human habits, you may end up wondering why you got the dog in the first place.

But who knows? You may surprise yourself listening to the dog’s thoughts and laughing at your big life’s little dramas. That’s what Pawttitude is all about.

“It’s a big sky up there, Felipe”

“I’m bigger”


My name is Amparo.
I’ve got a three-legged dog called Felipe. He’s got an attitude and too much to say about my human life. He usually has a point so I tend to listen. I always get something useful out of his unapologetic ways.

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(Fun to read, short and suitable for all breeds of human)

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She’s my kind of woman

(Read this story in Español) Our lady and mother had a lunch date and listen to this: mother turns up an hour late. "An entire hour I waited for her, by myself, at the reserved [...]

Happy routine day

(Read this story in Español) I often wonder why you people make your bed every morning only to undo it again at night? Why do you put your bowls and plates away only to take [...]

She’s upset at me

(Read this story in Español) I don’t know what to do to stop her from being upset at me. I've never seen her this upset. …… Please, mi amiga, don’t be upset at me. Changes [...]

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