Especially when you don’t feel like it!

Yes, sir! I abide by this rule even though it’s not easy. This past Monday I woke up and I couldn’t walk. My lady examined my legs, they seemed to be ok. I knew she was looking for infamous bumps and let me tell you: we can’t afford another bump. I don’t have more legs to trade, if you know what I mean …

So after a day of me not getting any better, we went to see my vet. The diagnosis was back pain. A relief to all. My back still hurts and I can hardly walk but we believe I am going to be back to normal in a week or so. In the meantime, I am forced to take our walks in my dog-cart.

This situation brought my spirits to uncomfortable low levels. I was bored and I felt abbreviated. Then yesterday afternoon my lady prescribed my own advice. She said that we had to AMPLIFY ourselves!

I must confess that when you are down it’s very hard to take any of that happy-go-doody-and-lucky advice, as if you could just change your mood with some kind of switch hidden in your nostrils. Oh, well! She said “Amplify”, so “Amplify” we did!!!!

We went outside. Me in my cart, my Lady pushing and Boboni helping out, pulling, kind of…

At first you fake it. You don’t feel like walking or moving to cheer yourself up. In my case, since I couldn’t walk, it was just breathing fresh air and enjoying the cart ride. So I went along since I had no choice. Surprisingly, when you engage in a new activity, your focus shifts to this new activity that is actually requiring your effort. You continue doing it and it becomes easier, and easier. And then there is this moment when your mood finally bends and you suddenly feel better.

It actually works! My back still hurts but I am not abbreviated any more. I am AMPLIFIED! I am enjoying the cart rides and the higher point of view that I get when I am inside this high-speed vehicle.

Take my word for it and Amplify yourself everyday! If you don’t know how to start you can read my 10 Steps to Amplification post.


Cheerio for now!