And I am sure you are not going to feel proud either of certain human individuals when I tell you the story that I am about to tell you.

My Lady and I read the following story on the news: “Shark dies after tourists pull it out of the water for selfies.”

I am not leaving a link to the video for you because I don’t want to foul my blog with such despicable conduct but you can google it if you want.

And yes! there is a video and also photos of those worthless and pathetic individuals posing with the agonizing shark and ignoring the life that they were terminating.

Aren’t humans supposed to be animals with superior mental development?

What is that superior development for? Turning the camera around to take selfies?

I guess these empty-headed brutes must be the exception to the rule or maybe nature was missing some key brain ingredients when fixing them up.

After learning of events like this, how can you stand co-existing with other humans?

“They are not all like that,” my lady says

“Still!” I say, “it’s terrifying.”

“I know,” she says

“How can you stand it?”

“I can’t. ”

“Let’s go for breakfast alfresco.”

We went for a humans-not-welcome-breakfast (except for my lady, of course) at a small outdoors cafe.

Others joined us and we shared our breakfast.

Who did you have breakfast with today?

Always have breakfast with people that deserve your company. You can’t afford to kick off your day with companion non-grata.

Let me introduce to you our grata breakfast companion.

Yes, he ate the whole croissant.


Tweet: Summer is here. Have breakfast alfresco to have a great day!